
Friday, December 10, 2010

Raven, Ubernoobie and other random words

OHai there again.. yay you came back.. and so did I!!
     Well lets start out by saying.. that you may notice that there is tiny spelling and grammar errors.. I do this on purpose.. Why? do you ask..   Well.. my sister Willow.. She is very intelligent, smart, sexy both in RL and SL, self sufficient and any other powerful words you want to think of.  I get the biggest kick out of listening to her run off at the mouth while reading a notecard or mag in SL.. Spelling and grammar errors are my sisters biggest pet peeve.. Its not hard to run spellcheck and reread your notice.. or article.. so I make these little errors just to mess with her. I really do love her.. honest.. she is my bestie/sister in RL and in SL.. and becuz I love her sooo much .. I am gonna show you this pic of her...

                                         *runs and hides in her super secret studio in the sky*
This is my sis Willow in all her finery..LOL.. she had been having issues the past couple of days and was loggin in like this.. ( is still laughing ).. anwho.. she tried clearing her cache.. uninstalling and reinstalling the viewers.. all with no luck....
  I really wanted to make a "Has thsi happened to you?" poster and hang it up somewhere... hmm i still might do that.

    Solution to making the ubernoobie avi go away..... PLURK!!
    no but really!!!
   secrets learnd on Plurk are priceless.. CHANGE YOUR BALD BASE!!
               basically you just need to find another bald base in your massive inventory and put it on.. why it makes this ugliness go away .. I have no frappin idea.. but it works!!

    OK now that you have seen my smexy sis..  do you want to see her daughter? sure you do.. I know you do!! I mean why not right? so TaDa.. RavenWillowTreE Fang in all her 7yr old glory!!

      Mmhmm cant you see where she gets her look? (small giggle).. anyway I dont get to see alot of my niece on SL. She is such a sassy little thing.. I mean they say she gets if from me. but idk.. 
   anyway more cute pics of her...

                      There I needed to redeem myself.. this is a real pic of my sis and my niece.
Ok I am done for now.. Thanks bunches for hangin out and reading my rambles.. check ya later Tza

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Writers Lagg

So um ya part 2 of Second Dream hasnt been posted yet.. call it writers lagg but that doesnt mean I havent been busy! For the most part I have been shopping (change of season sales.. o.0), moved to a newer parcel of land ( LUFFS YOU SISSY), started taking pics for clients on a small basis.. well more like my circle of friends!!

 Now dont worry . there will be a second part of Selenium Pulse (Second Dream)... I just need to get back on the right frame of mind, so the following is random pics from my adventures.

                                                          Introducing Tzagine's Tree

OMG.. I really did it.. I made this tree.. isnt she loverly? I will fully admit to being a building idiot.. just ask my sister Willow. So when I decided to follow the herd and decorate our land for winter I was looking for a simple little tree. my neice Josephina has one like this.. but she wasnt on. So I askd for some tree help in one of the Best Groups in SL.. SL House & Garden.. right away I get some great store names and lm's to get me started. After checking a few I tp'd into Fox Labs and found the exact trees I wanted!!! I was soo excited.. but I noticed it said pine tree sculpts.. after a bit of investigating and my sister, we decided it was infact full perm sculpt maps and textures.. and lond winded story voice later.. I have the exact tree I wanted to begine with.. so thank you SL House & Garden group.. and much love to my sis who taught me how to build today and link prims together...

                                                Yes these are MY Bunneh Slippers and you cant have them!!
But seriously .. awesome slippers.. the body and nose have a color menu.. so you can change it to suit your style that day.. and the eyes.. they blink!!! and not at the same time.. its awesome.. I cant remember who made them.. I am not logged into SL atm.. so if you really wanna know.. just IM me inworld.

     ok peeps its late and I am tired so thanks bunches for listening to me ramble and look for another post soon with more pics of my adventures..promised to be blogged.. my niece Raven.... what to do when you have been ubernoobied when you logg in . and pics of my favorite clothing designer and her hubby!!

Till then .. Huggies n Stuff    Tza =^.^=

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lost in my mind

Soo I have been just kinda hanging around.. not really doing anything special. I did take a week or so off from visiting Second Dream, I wanted to come back for my final post with a set of fresh eyes. This week I will be working on that so check back by the weekend.

   I did however stop by the Grand ReOpening party of Weather? or Not! and had a blast!! I met some people inworld that I have on my plurk.. not telling any names.. but I did manage to capture one pic . I kept crashing when I was trying to take a pic.

Anywho we were all doing the Bunneh Hop with our Umbrellas and remembering the past as Dj Further spun some serious retro 80's  tunes. I had a great time an even pickd up another umbrella to add to my ever expanding inven..

 So points to remember.. new post this week... Umbrellas look awesome while you are doing the Bunneh Hop and Further digs on 80's music

     Catch ya laters taters... Tza

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Second Dream pt 2

My convo with Jux Czavicevic

 I had the wonderful opportunity to talk with Jux the artistic drive behind Selenium Pulse, Second Dream on several occassions thru IM and a NC.. and I have to say that he is a really nice guy.. and very easy to talk to .. and he was very excited to talk about his build.

This is what I seen after i emerged from the tunnel..
 Btw..all these pics are inworld, unedited.. and I am using analu studio 6 sky setting my graphics are on ultra and draw distance is at 512. .. just so ya know if ya want this type of mood.

The blue colors seem to draw my eyes everywhere...  the spheres in the sky.. the large rectangle of blue prim... it is really worth the time to let it all rezz.. 

. First and foremost.. I am gonna ask the obvious question.. the build is called Second Dream......Inspired by dream imagery and nightmare, the psyche, both healthy and unhealthy... was this a personal dream.. or did it evolve from a single idea and grow into what it is now.. or was it inspired by something else?
- The idea of the sim is a very loose concept that I see in evolutionary terms. Like a life itself,  It's growing, it's changing. We go through phases, we start infantile and eventually were full fledged 'adult' types. But it's a process and a journey, isn't it? This is the second dream, in that, the first phase was completed previously, we'll call that the infancy. We're in the second phase now, learning how to stand. In relation to dreams, our psyches are so fragile and vulnerable throughout our entire lives, but no matter how we are on the surface, our dreams betray our true feelings, our desires and our fears.
The second phase, of life itself, I guess you could say-
betrayed by our own dreams. Thats what Selenium Pulse : Second Dream is.

Were you the only designer and builder?
-I am, yes. the conception of Seleniun Pulse : Second Dream, is and was a loose idea that wasn't ever really finite , sort of began life as a directionless random blue prim that kind of just exploded into what it is now.
Periodically through the sim you'll find other designer's pieces, a chair here, or a table there. Though I'd comfortably say about 90% of the overall sim to include the textures, was designed and built by me.

What are the 3 best things you personally love about the build.. and what are some  things you would do over if you could?
- This is a tough question. The entirety of the sim, in itself, is my creation. So naturally I have a love for it as a whole, it's my thoughts, my feelings in a more visual interpretation. So, essentially, I suppose you could say- it's part of me. And I love myself, so I also suppose it would be safe to say that I love the sim in a whole. But... I suppose if I had to choose favorites, I think perhaps the two broken houses on the hills. I call these Faith's house, sort of a symbolic representation of building up and tearing down, weathering the storm. Mm... and the shades of blue everywhere. I was very particular about the specific shade of blue, but that's another story for another time.

I dont have the pic of the other house.. my viewer is making the pics all black..

So thats all for now.. I will be posting more of our convo and more pics soon

 catch laters Tza

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hey all. miss me much?..

Hey all. miss me much?..

ok so I have been hanging out at Second Dream since I first found it.. I logg in and out there. and basically have just been stalking the sim ..its such a beautifully, surrealistic place.
I have had some nice chats with Jux the owner of the sim and he has promised me a book for an interview..but thats ok.. I like to read.. look for more pics starting tomorrow..I still have to sort thru the many pics that I snagged while I was camping on the sim.. Love ya all Tza

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Spent the day in RL

Having a wonderful day with the family.. 1st annual Lincoln Pumpkin Festival.. we now own 2 goldfdish.. I had a blast with my  daughter and little neighbor Shyla at the pumpkin eating contest...she got a ribbon for making the most mess.... now makin tater soup with cheese, bacon and onions... MMMMMMMMMMMM .. I Love Autumn!!!
   Hope you all are having a wonderful day as well..
                       cya laters taters..... Tza

Friday, October 22, 2010

Second Dream

Second Dream is a  place like no other.. when you tp in to this place you are in a tunnel with these massive blue neon light bars that pulse and move in different you walk thru them.. you get hints of biomatter splattered on some of the layes of these lights.. be sure and let it rezz .. there is an awesome poem from floor to ceiling.. and it really sets the mood of the sim..

As I walked further thru the tunnel and finally emerged I was simply in awe at what I saw...

Beautiful isnt it.. I took a quick fly around and was simply dumbfounded  at the littles details I found..  there are little snatches of words here and there... pieces of furniture stacked in little ruins of buildings..
I really think I could spend a whole week here. just hanging out and taking pics..  I will research more about the owner of this sim.. and maybe try to talk with the builder and see what inspired this.

 catch ya all laters Tza

Left Speechless.. no really!!

So  I came across this one blog thru Plurk.. the basis of this blog is all those places in SL that we dont normally see. So I took the link to this place and OMG.. I was left speechless really!!!!! I am gonna take my time and really look in all the nooks and crannies.. I will be posting this place for a couple of days ... FORWARNING YOU NOW!!!.. anywho take care and see ya soon

Thursday, October 21, 2010

playing with my blog

so anywho. i have had fun messin with this new toy.. so things will prolly change often till i get it like i like it.. so bare with me.. and yes grammer has been thrown out the window..  so FYI btw!!  i am gonna try to blog one destination a week.. somewhere on the grid... and hopefully  some daily pics... its an blank slate!! woohoooooo!!!!

um ya ok

Ummm ya ok.. so this is my first post.. lets see if this will work out.. 
   I wanted to create a blog for many reasons.. one is just for fun.. to say . ya i have a blog.. two.. to document some of the wierd things that happen to me and my friends and family inside Second Life..  so i hope you enjoy laughing with me.